[关键词:频率计] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0212,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

在测试通讯、微波器件或产品时,常常需要测量 频率,通常这些都是较复杂的信号,如含有复杂频率成分、调制的或含有未知频率分量的、频率固定的或变化的、纯净的或叠加有干扰的等等。为了能正确地测量不同类型的信号,必须了解待测信号特性和各种频率测量仪器的性能。微波计数器一般使用类型频谱分析仪的分频或混频电路,另外还包含多个时间基准、合成器、中频放大器等。虽然所有的微波计数器都是用来完成计数任务的,但制造厂家都有各自的一套复杂的计数器的设计、使得不同型号的计数器性能和价格会有所差别,因此需要根据其附加特性或价格来慎重选择。
The frequency meter is mainly composed of four parts: the time base (T) counting circuit, input circuit, display circuit and control circuit.In the process of a measuring cycle,the periodic signal to be measured in the input circuit after amplification, plastic, differential operation form a specific period of narrow pulse, an input to the main gate. The main door of another input too base circuit to produce the gate circuit. During the gate opening the main door of a particular period of narrow pulse can through the main door, to counter to count, counter display circuit is used to display the measured signal frequency values, internal control circuit is used to complete a variety of functions between the switch and implement measurement setup. The application range of the frequency meter: in the traditional electronic measuring instrument, the oscilloscope in the low measurement precision of frequency measurement, error is bigger. Spectrometer can accurate measurement and display of the measured signal frequency spectrum, but the measurement speed is slow, cannot real-time fast tracking to the change of the measured signal frequency. It is because of frequency meter can fast accurate to catch the change of the measured signal frequency, therefore, frequency meter has very extensive application scope.
Electronic counter is a basic measurement instruments, so far has a history of more than 30 years. Early, designers goal is mainly to expand measuring range, plus improve the measurement accuracy, stability, etc., these are people measure the technological level of electronic calculators, decided to electronic counter the main basis of the price. At present the basic technique perfected, mature. Application of modern technology can be easily expanded electronic counter measure .......
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