[关键词:单片机,智能语音报站,液晶显示系统] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0184,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

通信工程文献翻译——摘要:采用单片机AT89C51 作控制核心,语音芯片ISD2560 实现语音的存储和回放,LCD 进行汉字显示,设计了公交车智能报站系统。实现了公交车站台语音播报和液晶显示双重功能。
1 系统硬件电路设计
该系统采用单片机AT89C51 作为自动报站的检测和驱动控制核心; 单片机与专用的语音处理芯片ISD2560 设计实现语音存储与回放,实现语音的分段录取、组合回放,语音信号抗干扰能力强,存储方便,调试简单;以LCD 液晶显示屏进行站台名显示。
1.1 语音模块
数码语音芯片选用的是ISD2500 系列单片语音录放集成电路ISD2560,它是美国Winbond 公司产品,具有抗断电、音质好,使用方便,无须专用的开发系统等优点[3-5]。这是一种永久记忆型语音录放电路,录音时间为60s, 可重复录放10 万次。芯片采用多电平直接模拟量存储专利技术,省去了A/D、D/A 转换器。每个采样值直接存储在片内单个EEPROM 单元中,因此能够非常真实、自然地再现语音、音乐、音调和效果声,避免了一般固体录音电路因量化和压缩造成的量化噪声和“金属声”。ISD2560 集成度较高,内部包括前置放大器、内部时钟、定时器、采样时钟、滤波器、自动增益控制、逻辑控制、模拟收发器、解码器和480K 字节的E2PROM 等。ISD2560 控制电平与TTL电平兼容,接口简单,使用方......
Abstract: Adopts AT89C51 MCU as control core and pronunciation chip ISD2560 voice of storage and playback, LCD display, designed the bus-stop-reporting intelligent Announcement System. Realizing the dual function of bus station speech broadcast and LCD display.
Key words: bus-stop-reporting system; AT89C51; ISD2560; LCD
With the rapid development of urban transportation systems, bus to go and people to provide a convenient and efficient service. The bus-Stop announcement directly affect the quality of its services, the traditional way of reporting stations manually by the reported that station, because of dialect or congestion, etc., the way the effect of the intensity of work too often bad. To change this situation, we designed the smart bus-Stop announcement system [1-2], the station, Stop announcement at the same time for voice and character LCD module on the display station names.
1.System Description
The system block diagram of the design shown Figure1. AT89C51 Microcontroller as the use of automatic station detection and drive control center; microcontroller and a dedicated voice-processing chip design and implementation ISD2560 voice storageand playback, voice of the sub-taking, combined playback, voice signal anti-interferenceability, and storage convenience, debugging Simple; the LCD display LCD display forstation name.
1.1 Voice Module
Digital voice chip ISD2500 series use the voice recording integrated circuit chipISD2560, it is the United States Winbond products, with anti-power, good sound quality, easy to use, without the advantages of a dedicated development system [3-5]. This is apermanent memory of voice recording circuit, recording time is 60s, recording can be repeated 10 million times. Chip multi-level direct analog storage patented technology, eliminating the A / D, D / A converter. Each sample value is stored directly in a single-chip EEPROM cell, so can be very real,natural reproduction of voice,
music, tone and effect sound, to avoid the general solidrecording circuit and compression caused by quantization quantization noise and the "metallic sound" . ISD2560 higher integration, internal, including pre-amplifier, the internal clock, timer, sampling clock, filters, automatic gain control, logic control, analog transceiver, a decoder, and 480K bytes of E2PROM and so on. ISD2560 control levelcompatible with TTL level, simple interface, easy to use.ISD2560 with AT89C51 Microcontroller interface circuit and the external circuit is shown in Figure 2 [6]. MCU Port P1, P3.4 and P3.5 are connected with the ISD2560 addresslines to set the voice segment start address. P3.0 ~ P3.3 to control the sound recordingstate. Circuit in the system, SP +, SP-this can be directly connected to the speaker, asrelatively small driving power, so the chip can be 1SD2560 mouth and low-frequencypower amplifier connected between the......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——基于单片机的公交车智能语音报站和液晶显示系统设计文献翻译!