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[关键词:家庭能源管理系统]  [热度 ]


通信工程文献翻译——本文描述了更有效的家庭能源管理系统,以降低家庭区域的电力消耗。我们认为房间可以通过家用设备的红外遥控器轻松控制。房间里有自动待机电源切断式插座,灯和ZigBee集线器。 ZigBee集线器具有红外代码学习功能,能学习连接到电源插座的家用设备的红外遥控信号。然后可以使用红外遥控器控制电源插座和房间中的灯光。典型的自动待机电源切断插座在切断电源之前具有等待时间。在此期间,它会消耗待机电源。为了消除等待时间,我们通过ZigBee集线器与红外遥控器同时关闭家用设备和电源插座。该方法主动降低待机功率。所提出的HEMS提供了简单的方法来添加,删除和移动家庭设备到其他电源插座。当家用设备移动到不同的插座时,家用设备的能量信息被保持一致和无缝,而与位置变化无关。所提出的结构提供更有效的节能HEMS


1. 介绍

随着越来越多的家用电器和电子产品的安装,住宅能耗正快速增长。大量家用设备在两个方面增加了功耗,即待机功率和正常工作功率。这两种功耗与家庭设备的数量成比例。因此,家庭区域的运营成本也在增加。待机功率是指电器和设备在关闭或不执行其主要功能时使用的电能[1]。由于在待机功率模式期间消耗了大约10%的家用电力[1],所以减少待机功率以降低家庭中的电力成本非常有必要。在芯片电路板和系统等领域进行了许多研究以降低待机功耗[2] - [9]。这些技术回收有助于降低家庭设备的待机功率。家庭设备的正常操作功率对于降低家庭中的能量成本也是重要的。家用电器和消费电子占家庭能源消耗的约27%[10]。因此,建议使用带有能源之星标签的产品,以尽量减少产品在其使用寿命期间的操作成本。为了降低家庭设备的正常工作功率,提出了一种用于集成多功能家庭服务器的面向服务的电源管理技术[11]。虽然先进的集成电路(IC)芯片组和硬件技术使家庭设备的待机功率降低和正常操作功率降低,但是当前的能量危机和温室效应在家庭区域需要更有效的能量管理技术。除了待机功率降低和正常操作功率降低的技术之外,家庭设备的控制和功率监视的能力对于实现有效的家庭能量管理是不可或缺的。网络能力也被用于将家庭设备彼此连接并远程管理它们。利用网络能力更有效地管理家庭能量的技术被称为......

Abstract —This paper describes more efficient home energy management system to reduce power consumption in home area. We consider the room easily controllable with an IR remote control of a home device. The room has automatic standby power cut-off outlets, a light, and a ZigBee hub. The ZigBee hub has an IR code learning function and educates the IR remote control signal of a home device connected to the power outlet. Then the power outlets and the light in the room can be controlled with an IR remote control. A typical automatic standby power cut-off outlet has a waiting time 

before cutting off the electric power. It consumes standby power during that time. To eliminate the waiting time, we turn off the home device and the power outlet simultaneously with an IR remote control through the ZigBee hub. This method actively reduces the standby power. The proposed HEMS provides easy way to add, delete, and move home devices to other power outlets. When a home device is moved to the different outlet, the energy information of the home device is kept consistently and seamlessly regardless of location change. 

The proposed architecture gives more efficient energy-saving HEMS1. 

Index Terms — Home Energy Management, ZigBee, Remote Control, Standby Power, Energy Saving 


As more and more home appliances and consumer electronics are installed, residential energy consumption tends to grow rapidly. A large number of home devices increase power consumption in two aspects, standby power and normal operation power. Those two kinds of power consumption are proportional to the number of home devices. As a result, operational cost in home area is also increasing. Standby power is electricity used by appliances and equipment while they are switched off or not performing their primary function......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——更高效的家庭能源管理系统文献翻译!