[关键词:高速列车,输出反馈] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0155,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

1 介绍
Abstract: One of the main problem in high-speed train transportation systems is the control of the contact force between the catenary and the pantograph collector end. Indeed, the equivalent stiffness of the catenary is not constant (because of the suspending system) and this leads to contact force oscillations whose frequency and magnitude mainly depend on the train velocity. Such oscillations can originate electric arcs that damage the mechanical structure and reduce the system performance. Here we consider the equivalent stiffness of the catenary as an uncertainty to compensate for. Assuming that a sufficiently accurate measure of the actual contact force is available, the use of an output-feedback control scheme based on higher-order sliding modes is proposed in this paper. The actual system structure, and the well known robustness properties of sliding-mode control, allow for the almost-complete rejection of the undesired oscillations of the contact force by means of a continuous force acting on the lower frame of an active pantograph. Simulation results are provided.
Keywords: Pantographs, High-speed train, Uncertain systems, nonlinear systems, VSC.
1 Introduction
The problems related to the interaction between the train pantograph and the overhead equipment have been investigated since a long time, especially by European and Japanese uncertain. Indeed, such problems deteriorates the quality of the current collection, and are the main difficulties to overcome where trying to speed-up the train velocity of a railway system [10,12,18].
A common request is that of having an almost constant contact force (generally of about 100 N) in all operating conditions. The counteraction of the variations of the contact force magnitude could be obtained either by increasing the tension of the contact wire (so increasing its equivalent stiffness) or by increasing the contact force modulus [18]. Actually, the first solution is quite expensive, and it would need that connected railway systems have the same standards, while the latter implies the fast wearing of the equipment. Nowadays, several railway companies use different solutions.
An interesting approach to the problem is that of using active pantographs, in which either the lower or the upper frame of the arm supporting the current collector is actuated (by means of hydranlic or electrical......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——高速列车受电弓上接触压力的输出反馈控制文献翻译!