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[关键词:高码率,阵列码]  [热度 ]




关键词:阵列码 低密度奇偶校验码  汉明码 突发错误纠正  搜寻体系 磁盘排列

一 绪论


本篇文章关于一种提高一种阵列码的比率的问题是建立在汉明码伽罗域q=2m-1 和阵列码基础之上的,这就相当于在原有的奇偶校验阵列上增加纵列,原来的行中的(n-k)列不变,这种比率的增加对于短长度码是很有益的,例如n=42(相当于m=7),编码增益为35.6%,而随着n的增加,比率越来越接近于一的时候,则比率增益就很小了,对于n=506,相当于m=23,编码增益下降到9.52%。


二 阵列码

阵列码是一种系统码,它的编码形式如图一所示,即( m-1)*m矩阵,其中m为一素数,其各个码的最小距离为三当且仅当m为一素数时(它能检出两个错误和纠一个错误),这种纠错编码被定义为有k个信息码元和一个码字有n个比特,奇偶校验矩阵有n-k行和n列,对于一种阵列码,n=m*(m-1)和k=(m-2)*(m-1),都取决于素数m,所以H也就取决于m,结果信息率R=k/n=(m-2)/m,图二表示了在m=5的情况下的奇偶校验矩阵,这种矩阵一般来说比较简单,因此阵列码才被叫为低密度奇偶校验码(LDPC),[4][5][6].




Array codes are error-correcting codes of very low complexity that were initially used for burst and erasure correction in Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) architectures and other storage applications. The structure of these codes allows a very simple encoding and decoding mechanism.Although they are very high-rate codes, they do not achieve the maximum possible rate given their design constraints. In fact Hamming codes maximize the possible rate given these design constraints. This paper compares the rate and complexity of array codes when compared to Hamming codes.

Keywords: Array codes, Low-density parity-check codes,Hamming codes, burst correction, RAID architectures, disk arrays.


Burst error correcting codes are used in many fields such as multi-track storage, satellite communications and disk arrays.

Array codes [1], Fire codes [2] and Reed-Solomon [3] codes are well-known codes that have good burst-error-correcting capabilities. If an error-correcting code requires operations over a finite field (as in the case of Reed-Solomon codes) complexity in the encoder and decoder architecture is increased. Array code encoding and decoding only requires the use of simple bit manipulation, reducing the overall complexity. Therefore when implementation simplicity is an issue and hardware efficient encoders and decoders are needed, array codes can be the most attractive option.

In this paper a method for increasing the rate of an array code is presented based on the relation between Hamming codes over GF(q = 2(m?1)) and array codes. This is equivalent to adding columns to the parity check matrix of a traditional array code. The total number of rows of an array code, [n ? k], is unchanged. The increase in rate is significant for short code lengths. For a code length n = 42(that corresponds to m = 7) the rate gain is 35.6%. As nincreases and the code rate approaches one, the gain in ratebecomes much smaller. For n = 506, which corresponding tom = 23, the rate gain falls to 9.52%.In the next section an introduction to array codes is pre......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——高码率阵列码-汉明码介绍文献翻译!