[关键词:无线射频,识别技术] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0018,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

自动控制文献翻译——1 简介
RFID技术是一项基于“无线电频率”的非接触式的自动识别技术,自动识别静态或动态的人和对象。 RFID标签是一个特殊的微芯片,植入商品中,可以跟踪和管理物理对象,是物流管理信息化和跟踪信息化的重要手段。
2 目前RFID技术的研究重点
2.1 RFID标签与条码
条码技术广泛采用于商品和对象的识别。我们能够在超市的任何包装产品上找到条码。Zebra公司是领先的条码供应商之一,它为全世界超过一百个国家提供专业数码印刷及自动识别解决方案。二十年前,该公司主要生产标准标签。如今,Zebra 开展RFID业务。从应用角度来看,尤其是在零售业方面,条码和RFID有着相似的市场应用点。
1 Introduction
Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a new identification technology. RFID has a greater number of benefits than its predecessor, the bar code. It is not universally adopted in many industries due to its high cost hitherto. However, RFID is unmatched advanced because it does not require sight scanning, it acts to reduce labor levels, enhances" visibility, and improves inventory management.
The popularization of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) provides a solution of the location and tracing of human or objects. RFID location and tracing system, measures the space location of object based on unique identification tag and signal intensity of communication between reader and tag in object, mainly apply to indoor location, which GPS system is not suitable for indoor.
RFID, a non-contact automatic identification technology based on “Radio Frequency”, automatically identify static or moving object and human. RFID tag, a special microchip, implanted in commodity, can trace and manage physical object, is an important means of logistics management information and tracking information technology.
2 Current Research Focuses of RFID
With the growing maturity of RFID technology and the drop in price of RFID tags, RFID attracts increasing interests from both industry and academic. By attaching RFID tags on objects, one could keep track on and manage those objects. This technology gradually replaces current widely adopted barcode systems.
2. 1.RFID Tag and Bar code
Bar code is widely adopted for goods and object identification. One could find bar code on every packaged item in supermarkets. Zebra Company is one of the leading bar code providers and provides on-demand specialty digital printing and automatic identification solutions in more than 100 countries around the world. About ......
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