[关键词:卫星视频,移动车辆检测] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0285,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

在过去几十年中,已发射越来越多的商业地球观测卫星,产生大量分辨率为1米(Ikonos)或甚至更好的卫星图像(QuickBird,geoEye),以及最相关的卫星图像作品对其图像进行实验。此外,Skybox Imaging发射的SkySat-1卫星是第一颗民用卫星,用于在全色视频中实现高达90秒的目标。这种实时卫星图像增强了全球业务,包括油储存监测,灾害响应[1],生态系统干扰检测[2]和海上监测[3,4]等。当今智能交通系统的主要数据来源通常来自地面固定或基于天线的相机或传感器。这些图像的主要缺点是有限的空间覆盖。结果,研究人员开始注意更高的空间。在广域监测领域具有巨大的潜力和优势,卫星视频已成为交通管理的一个新的强有力的方式。
Abstract: Vehicle surveillance of a wide area allows us to learn much about the daily activities and traffic information. With the rapid development of remote sensing, satellite video has become an
important data source for vehicle detection, which provides a broader field of surveillance. The achieved work generally focuses on aerial video with moderately-sized objects based on feature
extraction. However, the moving vehicles in satellite video imagery range from just a few pixels to dozens of pixels and exhibit low contrast with respect to the background, which makes it hard
to get available appearance or shape information. In this paper, we look into the problem of moving vehicle detection in satellite imagery. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time to
deal with moving vehicle detection from satellite videos. Our approach consists of two stages:first, through foreground motion segmentation and trajectory accumulation, the scene motion heat map is dynamically built. Following this, a novel saliency based background model which intensifies moving objects is presented to segment the vehicles in the hot regions. Qualitative and quantitative experiments on sequence from a recent Skybox satellite video dataset demonstrates that our approach achieves a high detection rate and low false alarm simultaneously.
Keywords: moving vehicle detection; satellite video; motion heat map; local saliency map
1. Introduction
An increasing number of commercial earth observation satellites have been launched over the past decades that generate large quantities of satellite......
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