[关键词:电子密码锁] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0284,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

1 背景
2 语音电子密码锁的系统功能
3 电子密码锁硬件的设计
Abstract:The design is the use of voice recognition technology and keyboard input, Sunplus SPCE061A SCM in achieving a voice electronic password lock authentication system.Voice recognition and electronic password lock function of the ordinary locks, and dual role of security. The password lock safe, effective, reliable, but also has voice recognition, password Preferences, confidentiality strong, tips and other features of error.
Key words: SPCE061A; voice recognition, electronic password lock; FLASH
1 Introduction
As people's living standards improve and strengthen the sense of security, safety locks system becomes essential, therefore a password lock, magnetic locks, electronic locks, laser lock, voice-activated lock locks, etc., they are On the basis of traditional keys, using one or more passwords, different voices, different magnetic field, different sound, different light beams of different images (such as fingerprints, retina retina, etc.) to control open the lock. In this paper, using speech recognition technology and keyboard to control the importation of the integration of SCM in Sunplus SPCE061A achieve a voice on the electronic certification system password lock.
2 voice electronic password-lock system
This system is mainly composed of Sunplus SPCE061A SCM, MIC input circuit, voice output circuit, 4 × 4 keyboard, six Qiduan LED display and output control and FLASH memory components. System is the main function: the training, the speaker's voice through a microphone into the speaker voice signal acquisition front-end circuit, by voice signal processing circuit on the acquisition of the characteristics of voice signals and voice processing, from the speaker's personality characteristics and parameters Store, a speaker parameters database. In recognition, will be voice recognition and speaker parameters database matching, voice recognition and complete control of the keyboard, and activate or release of locks, the final completion of the lock. System is......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——语音电子密码锁的设计文献翻译!