[关键词:遗传算法,易感基因] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0273,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

单核苷酸多态性(SNP)是基因组中的[ 1 ]重要的生物标志物和基因的表达可能是受单独或通过单核苷酸多态性SNP [ 2 ]之间的相互作用。因此,更好地了解SNPs之间的关联有助于疾病和癌症的分析[ 3-5 ]。遗传关联表明,任何单一的遗传变异的影响(例如,SNPs)可能会依赖于其他遗传变异(SNPs之间的相互作用)[ 6 ]。遗传关联研究集中在哪些SNP组合可能相关与疾病和癌症相关基因的高风险。因此,上位性识别可以被视为一个特征选择的问题,和遗传关联检测是生物信息学中的一个挑战[ 7 ]。
遗传协会可以识别的识别?显?不能区别病理(例)和正常(对照)的状态。已经提出了许多统计方法识别显著的遗传联系,如声[ 8 ]和[ 9 ]增加。然而,这些方法只确定两个顺序的遗传关联。识别?阳离子高阶遗传协会是一个NP难问题,特别是对高维的SNP组合和大个[ 10 ]。传统的统计方法,如卡方检验(χ2),适用于计算密集型操作。因此,进化计算已被应用于改善统计方法识别的意义?不能遗传协会。粒子群优化(PSO)已被应用到识别的意义不能遗传协会的面部情绪感知[ 11 ] [ 12 ]和高血压。遗传算法(GA)已被成功地用于识别的意义?不能慢性透析[ 13 ]和[ 14 ]的遗传相关性乳腺癌。这些以前的研究表明,大的统计评估所施加的限制,可以克服进化计算。此外,重要的?不能遗传协会的SNP组合表明边际SNP可能是由于P > 0.05排除在外,但这可能与疾病相关的SNP联合其他SNPs [ 13 ]。然而,在大量的单核苷酸多态性面前这些方法的搜索能力是不足够强大的。
Detecting genetic association models between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)in various disease-related genes can help to understand susceptibility to disease. Statistical tools have been widely used to detect significant genetic association models, according to their related statistical values, including odds ratio (OR), chi-square test (χ2), p-value,etc. However, the high number of computations entailed in such operations may limit the capacity of such statistical tools to detect high-order genetic associations. In this study,we propose lsGA algorithm, a genetic algorithm based on local search method, to detect significant genetic association models amongst large numbers of SNP combinations.
We used two disease models to simulate the large data sets considering the minor allele frequency (MAF), number of SNPs, and number of samples. The three-order epistasis models were evaluated by chi-square test (χ2) to evaluate the significance (P-value <0.05). Analysis results showed that lsGA provided higher chi-square test values than that of GA. Simple linear regression indicated that lsGA provides a significant advantage over GA, providing the highest β values and significant p-value.
Keywords: Genetic algorithms, identifying susceptibility genes, local search algorithm
1 Introduction
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are important biomarkers in genomes [1], and gene expression may be influenced by the SNP alone or......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——遗传算法结合局部搜索法识别易感基因文献翻译!