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[关键词:电子标签,准八木天线]  [热度 ]


通信工程文献翻译——摘要:如今,RFID系统是由金属制品,因为在正常标签天线'参数(阻抗,辐射方向图,增益,带宽等)的挑战,由于由导电材料的干扰严重改变。如吸收材料,电磁带隙( EBG )和IFA (倒F天线)几种技术被应用到消除影响。然而,吸收材料,导致能量损耗, EBG构造过于复杂和IFA依赖于金属物体的条件下,例如,导电性和大小。在本文中,一种新型的金属标签天线是基于折叠偶极子,交错排列,高介电常数材料和其他人的技术建议。


正常八木元件之间的空间是其中0.15 0.4λ 。其太大的仅3mm ( ≈0.02λ )的低轮廓F IT的要求。一种新的技术,具有多个臂折叠偶极[4]被引入作为第二个过程。当普通八木的每个元素被适配为3 - 臂折叠偶极子,元件之间的空间减小到0.025λ ,约3mm 。这个规模仍然较大的标签。



其中,h为基片的厚度,w是偶极跟踪和介电常数εr的宽度是相对介电常数的基片。在电介质的波长可以由高介电常数有效地缩短。然而,一个因素应考虑在内。当电磁波通过多层传输的能量损失是由于大介电常数差异。因此,板的介电常数不能过大。的PTFEPCB与介电常数εr为3.5在2.45GHz ,厚度为1.5mm ( 0.012λ )被使用。有效介电常数εeff 2.54 ,波长为λ1≈0.63λ 。二者的间距和臂长可以通过0.63的系数被降低。所以......


Nowadays, RFID systems are challenged by metal products [1] since the normal tag antennas’ parameters (impedance, radiation pattern, gain, bandwidth, etc.) are seriously changed due to the interference from conductive materials. Several techniques such as absorbing material, electromagnetic band-gap (EBG)[2] and IFA (Inverted F antenna) [3] are applied to eliminate the influence. However, absorbing material causes energy dissipation, EBG structure is too complexity and IFA depends on the conditions of the metal objects, for example, conductivity and size. In this paper, a novel metal-mount tag antenna is proposed based on the technologies of folded dipole, staggered array, high permittivity material and others. 

The antenna design 

The first process is how to utilize the effect of the metal plane. Considering the function of the reflector of Yagi antenna, which is similar to the one of metallic object near the tag antenna, a natural result is to apply the metal plane as the reflector of Yagi tag antenna affixing on metal products. The interference is turned from the harm into a benefit acco rdingly. 

The space between normal Yagi elements is among 0.15  0.4λ. It is too large to f it the requirement of low profile of only 3mm ( ≈0.02λ). A new technology with multiple-arm folded dipole [4] is introduced in as the second process. When every element of common Yagi is adapted to be a 3-arm folded dipole, the space between elements is reduced to 0.025λ, about 3mm. This scale is ......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——一种新型的2.4GHz电子标签的准八木天线文献翻译!