[关键词:微波成像] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0257,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

我们认为安放天线阵列的系统结构应该是自然地平放在平躺着的病人的乳房表面. 一个被选择定向的重要的特征是,能够访问近似50%的癌症发生的胸部的上部四分之一的圆周[8]。当乳房是扁平的形状时这一区域很难接近,就象乳房X线照相术的情形一样,亦或扩展出一个开放的扫描平台,就象微波X线断层摄影术[5]或CMI构造的情形。
Abstract—We present a computationally efficient and robust image reconstruction algorithm for breast cancer detection using an ultrawideband confocal microwave imaging system. To test the
efficacy of this approach, we have developed a two-dimensional (2-D) anatomically realistic MRI-derived FDTD model of the cancerous breast. The image reconstruction algorithm is applied to FDTD-computed backscatter signals, resulting in a microwave image that clearly identifies the presence and location of the malignant lesion. These simulations demonstrate the feasibility of detecting and imaging small breast tumors using this novel approach.
Index Terms—Breast cancer detection, FDTD, microwave imaging, ultrawideband radar.
X-RAY mammography is the most effective imaging method for detecting nonpalpable early-stage breast cancer. However, despite significant progress in improving mammographic technique, persisting limitations result in relatively high false negative and false positive rates, particularly in pre-menopausal women where increased breast density can obscure nonpalpable lesions. Therefore, techniques that image other physical tissue properties are under investigation. The significant contrast in the dielectric properties of normal breast tissue and malignant tumors [1]–[3] provides a strong rationale for nonionizing microwave breast imaging. Narrowband microwave tomography [4], [5] recovers the dielectric properties in the reconstructed image, but requires computationally
intensive algorithms to solve the inverse scattering problem. In this paper, we show that pulsed confocal microwave imaging (CMI) [6], [7] permits simpler, yet robust image reconstruction.......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——一项用于探测乳腺癌的共焦微波成像算法文献翻译!