[关键词:信息管理系统] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0252,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

Management information system, its essence is the informatization implementation of various management thought, therefore, has different management thought, the corresponding is corresponding with the management information system, which makes the various types of management information system emerge in endlessly. Modern management is dependent on the information, with the coming of information age, information collection, transmission, processing has become a major social activities. In various areas of business and daily life, people have to spend a lot of time and energy to search, collect and organize information, the development of computer technology provides effective tools for information processing.
Management Information System (Management Information System, MIS for short) is a people-oriented, using computer hardware, software, network communication equipment and other office equipment, Information collection, transmission, processing, storage, update and maintenance, to enterprise strategic competitive advantages and improve the effectiveness and efficiency, for the purpose of supporting enterprise high-level decision, middle control, basic operation of the integrated man-machine System.
A complete management information system should include: the auxiliary decision system; Industrial control system (CCS), office automation system (OA) and database, model base, method base, knowledge base, and exchange information with the organs at higher levels and ......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [] 征集整理——信息管理系统的开发文献翻译!