[关键词:数字电压表] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0232,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

通信工程文献翻译——为了提高和改善silicon stabilitrons 的特点和增加他们的生产需要、提高精确度且实现高速测量以及方便读取仪器的值而设计。
自动化和电子技术科学院西伯利亚的的分支苏联研究所,在与客户连接,开发和生产一个用于实验室的特别精确的数字电压表测量,测量的是稳定电压和电压温度系数silicon stabilitrons 。
参考电压源由一个参数值与 D808-813 stabilitrons连接的消失补偿电路[3]。测试表明,稳定剂的类型维护是一个有效的电流测量电路大,它致上误差不超过0.01%荷兰国际集团超过30 h。提供的是仪器设备的检查和调整操作电流外部电流计和标准电池的方法。
Improvement in the characteristics of silicon stabilitrons and the increased volume of their production require precise and high-speed measuring equipment with convenient reading of the instrument indications.
The Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, in con- junction with a customer, has developed and produced in its experimental laboratory a digital voltmeter for precise measurement of the stabilized voltage and of the voltage temperature coefficient of silicon stabilitrons.
The development was based on the digital voltmeter described in [1].
The object for developing the new instrument consisted in obtaining a substantial reduction of the instrument's referred error and the consequent reduction in the discrete sensitivity error.
The digital voltmeter thus developed consists of an electromechanical compensator with a digit-by-digit balanc- ing (see figure). In order to reduce the effect of contact switching on the precision of measurements, the instrument's
measuring circuit is made up of double-shunted decades [2].The advantages......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——特殊的数字电压表介绍文献翻译!