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[关键词:三网融合,物理网络]  [热度 ]


通信工程文献翻译——所谓的“三网”,是指电信业务网、广播电视网和计算机网,但这并不是在物理概念上的分割,而是在业务上的分割。实际的网络(即物理网络)其实只有通信网和广播电视网,其名称也是因模拟领域业务和技术相关而形成的。因为在模拟领域,不同的业务对传输方法有不同的要求,因而形成不同的网络。因此,从某种意义上说,“三网”都是模拟传输的产物。在数字领域,所有的语言、文字、图片和图像等信息都是以“0”和“1”的数字信号出现,因此对数字网来说不存在几个网的问题,多个业务网完全可以共存于一个物理网中。信源的数字化导致了信息的汇聚,进而导致了三网的融合。    所谓“三网融合”,指的是将计算机网、电话网和电视网有机地融合起来,以降低总的成本投入,方便人们的使用,提高效率,产生更多的经济效益和社会效益。我们知道,技术进步总是从一个方向、一个领域或一种装置上逐步取得突破的,而人类对技术的需求却是以自我为中心的,而且是全方位的,这就是“三网融合”的原始驱动力。“三网融合”正逐渐成为世人瞩目的焦点,同时也孕育着巨大的市场机会。尤其是在二十世纪末,这一领域已经发生了突破性的变化。外国的大型计算机企业,如微软、索尼等公司,已经把“三网融合”作为其今后发展的业务重点而加以大力推进。前不久闹得沸沸扬扬的微软“维纳斯”计划就是瞄准了这一市场。就国内而言,北京、上海、青岛、重庆、江西等省市已经在开展这方面的探索,如上海广电集团研制的“SGIT三网合一”多媒体信息网络系统,就准备在在其公司开发的居民住宅小区进行试运行;而重庆华信高技术公司日前则声称其成功地开发了“三网合一”的HFC用户接入系统,能够利用有线电视网并行传输电视、电话和计算机信息;中信国安、海信电器等上市公司也已经在这一领域迈出了扎实的一步。总的说来,国内已有不少地方和企业瞄准了“三网合一”广阔的市场前景,准备或已经实施其抢占滩头的战略计划。但就目前而言,他们之中大多数还处于投入阶段,现阶段还没有收到显著的效益,但有 ......

The so-called "triple play" refers to the telecommunications business network, radio and TV and computer networks, but this is not in the physical concept of the split, but split in the business. The actual network (physical network) is in fact only communication networks and broadcast networks, its name is due to the analog domain, business and technology-related formation. Because in the analog domain, the different business have different requirements for the transmission method, resulting in a different network. Therefore, in a sense, the "triple play" product of analog transmission. In the digital domain, all of the language, text, pictures and images and other information are "0" and "1" digital signals, and therefore does not exist a few network for digital network, multiple service network can be coexist on a single physical network. The source of digital has led to the convergence of information, which led to the integration of the three networks. 

The so-called "triple play", referring to the computer network, telephone network and television network organic blend to reduce the total cost of investment, to facilitate the use of people, to improve efficiency, generate more economic and social benefits. We know that technological progress is always from one direction, a field or a device gradually achieve a breakthrough, human demand for technology is self-centered, and all, this is the "triple play" the original driving force. "Triple play" is becoming the focus of world attention, but also gave birth to a huge market opportunity. Especially at the end of the twentieth century, this area has occurred ......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——三网融合的物理网络选择文献翻译!