[关键词:人工测试,质量监控,语音应答] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0214,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

在IVR应用中,从一个平台升级到另一个平台的投资是巨大的,并且涉及大量风险。企业不能继续发展并且需要PoC[2]测试,因为升级是一个充满未知的大举措,它包括软件开发成本、许可费和基础设施费等等。企业需要事先决定成功的因素,必须得取消风险和规划其发展,更重要的是通过精心规划和制定要求。本文概述了人工测试和自动化工具使用的重要性,以便企业制订一项提高用户满意度的理想测试策略 ——帮助客户产生和保留忠诚。
1. IVR基础
Do you know which is never busy? Your answer would be Watch. Yes, you are absolutely correct. Time is one of the precious factors in our life and to persevere with time there is another dimension called IVR which is never busy and always set to assist their customers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In today’s world customer relationship hold the key to success or we would say survival also. Thanks to the globalization where challenge is just 800 number away. Various organizations are currently using more than hundred call centre [1] related applications to support its external and internal communication interfaces. These IVR applications truly symbolize the brand of a company by seamlessly offering complex self-service features like credit card processing,
employee benefit surveys, order processing and status, inventory confirmation, bill inquiry and submission, account status and stock quotes and orders etc. to their customers. To constantly stay ahead of business, organizations need to adopt innovative technologies, migrate their IVR applications from legacy platforms to enterprise platforms to improve operational efficiencies & enhance customer experience..
Investment such as in Migrating IVR applications from one platform to another platform are huge and involve lots of risk. Organizations cannot go ahead and do proof of concept (PoC) [2] as migrating applications from one platform to another is a big initiatives with full of unknowns and include software development costs, license fee and infrastructure cost etc. Organizations really have to de-risk and plan their development and more importantly their testing strategies by careful planning and execution approach. Organizations need to decide success factors beforehand. This paper outlines importance of manual testing and use of automation tools to facilitate organizations in making good testing strategies for an improved end-user satisfaction – to help customer retention and bring loyalty.
This paper aims to give an insight on what to consider while choosing between Manual Testing or Automation Testing to test IVR applications, Why automation is difficult in testing......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——人工测试和质量监控的互动式语音应答应用文献翻译!