[关键词:身份加密] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0209,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

通信工程文献翻译——摘要:我们呈现的第一个有效的基于身份加密(IBE)方案在没有随机预言时是完全安全的。我们首先呈现我们的IBE的构建和在Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman问题下减小我们方案的安全性。除此之外,我们的方案能被用来构建一个在没有随机预言时在Computational Diffie-Hellman问题下安全的新的签名方案。
Canetti et.al提出了一个基于身份加密更弱的安全模型,他们称之为Slective-ID模型。在Slective-ID模型下,敌手必须首先指出他希望被挑战的的身份在全局变量产生之前。这个作者提出了一个方案,那个方案被证明是安全的在没有随机预言的Slective-ID模型......
Abstract. We present the first efficient Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) scheme that is fully secure without random oracles. We first present our IBE construction and reduce the security of our scheme to the decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (BDH) problem. Additionally, we show that our techniques can be used to build a new signature scheme that is secure under the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption without random or-acles.
1 Introduction
Identity-Based Encryption allows for a party to encrypt a message using the recipient’s identity as a public key. The ability to use identities as public keys avoids the need to distribute public key certificates. This can be very useful in applications such as email where the recipient is often off-line and unable to present a public-key certificate while the sender encrypts a message.
The first efficient and secure method for Identity-Based Encryption was put forth by Boneh and Franklin [4]. They proposed a solution using efficiently computable bilinear maps that was shown to be secure in the random oracle model.
Since then, there have been schemes shown to be secure without random oracles,but in a weaker model of security know as the Selective-ID model [9, 1]. Most recently, Boneh and Boyen [2] described a scheme that was proved to be fully secure without random oracles; the possibility of such a scheme was to that point an open problem. However, their scheme is too inefficient to be of practical use.
We present the first efficient Identity-Based Encryption scheme that is fully secure without random oracles. The proof of our scheme makes use of an algebraic method first used by Boneh and Boyen [1] and the security of our scheme reduces to the decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (BDH) assumption.
We additionally show that our IBE scheme implies a secure signature scheme under the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption without random oracles.Previous practical signature schemes that were secure in the standard model relied on the Strong-RSA assumption [12, 11] or the Strong-BDH assumption [3].
1.1 Related Work
Shamir [16] first presented the idea of Identity-Based Encryption as a challenge......
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