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[关键词:交通流,车车通信网络,信息传播]  [热度 ]






作为新一代的智能交通系统,连接的车辆系统由配备有无线通信设施的智能车辆和路边基础设施组成,这使得车对车(V2V)和车对基础设施交通可以实现信息交换。作为关键部分之一,V2V通信网络(即文献中的车辆自组织网络(VANET))已经在交通安全,移动性和可持续性方面被应用于许多有前景的应用。例如,在[1] - [3]中的作者证明,V2V将允许驾驶员知道其他汽车的速度,加速度或减速度,以避免诸如道路偏离和碰撞的事故。因此,V2V通信网络可用于开发驾驶员辅助系统,这种系统可以避免交通事故并提高驾驶安全性。 Alsabaan等人 [4]提出采用V2V以及交通信号灯对车辆通信技术,使驾驶员能够自适应地调整其行驶速度,从而实现在交通系统内提升节省燃料和减少排放的目标。 Yamaha [5]表明,V2V通信网络可以检测道路状况,例如下雪天气中的路面状况,然后通知交通管理中心调整交通控制策略并提升交通流动性。在交通路线领域,V2V通知驾驶员交通状况信息,如工作区,事故前方,关闭车道等;因此,他们可以改变路线,以避免等待时间。 Waze [6]开发的基于社区的在线导航系统表明了基于V2V通信技术的在线路由导航具有巨大潜力。同时,许多国家和国际项目,如加利福尼亚高级运输和高速公路合作伙伴(PATH)[7],CarTalk [8]和FleetNet [9],一直致力于测试V2V技术在各种运输中的适用性场景。


Abstract—Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication networks,as one of the core components of connected vehicle systems, have been granted many promising applications to address traffic mobility, safety, and sustainability. However, only a limited amount of work has been completed to understand the fundamental properties of information propagation in such systems, while comprehensively considering traffic and communication reality. Motivated by this view, this proposed research develops analytical formulations to estimate information propagation time delay via a V2V communication network formed on a one-way or two-way road segment with multiple lanes. Distinguished to previous efforts, the proposed study carefully involves several critical communication and traffic flow features in reality, such as wireless communication interference, intermittent information transmission, and dynamic traffic flow. Moreover, this study elaborately analyzes

the interactions between information and traffic flow under sparse and congested traffic flow conditions. The numerical experiments based on Next-Generation Simulation field data illustrate that the proposed analytical formulations are able to provide very good estimation, with the relative error less than 5%, for the information propagation time delay on a one-way or two-way road segment under various traffic conditions. The proposed work can be further extended to characterize information propagation time delay and coverage over local transportation networks.

Index Terms—Dynamic traffic flow, time delay, vehicle-tovehicle (V2V) communication.


CONNECTED vehicle systems, as a new generation of the intelligent transportation system, consist of smart vehicles and roadside infrastructure equipped with wireless communication facilities, which enable vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)and vehicle-to-infrastructure traffic information exchange. As one of the key components, V2V communication networks [i.e., vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) in literature] have been granted many promising applications in traffic safety,mobility, and sustainability. For example, the authors in [1]–[3]demonstrate that V2V will allow drivers to be aware of other......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——交通流中车车通信网络的信息传播延迟文献翻译!