[关键词:包装,自动化] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0190,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

Abstract—In this paper, we present an automation technique that yields high-performance, low-cost optoelectronic alignment and packaging through the use of intelligent control theory and system-level modeling. The control loop design is based on model-based control, previously popularized in process and other control industries. The approach is to build an a priori knowledge model, pecific to the assembled package’s optical power propagation characteristics, and use this to set the initial “feed-forward” conditions of the automation system. In addition to this feed-forward model, the controller is designed with feedback components, along with the inclusion of a built in optical power sensor. The optical modeling is performed with the rigorous scalar Rayleigh–Sommerfeld formulation, efficiently solved online using an angular spectrum technique. One of the benefits of using a knowledge-based control technique is that the efficiency of the automation process can be increased, as the number of alignment steps can be greatly reduced. An additional benefit of this technique is that it can reduce the possibility that attachment between
optical components will occur at local power maximums, instead of the global maximum of the power distribution. Therefore,the technique improves system performance, while reducing the overall cost of the automation process.
Index Terms—Alignment, optical microsystems, optical modeling and simulation, packaging, photonic automation.
T HE current trend in optical microsystem design is to exploit advanced devices and new system architectures to achieve greater system performance, such as higher data rates or brighter displays. However, to push toward the theoretical limits of optical microsystems, accurate alignment and packaging of the multidomain system is required. Packaging is a challenging problem, as systems are typically manually aligned. This technique is labor intensive, slow, and can lead to poor performance of the system. Even with the recent progress in the development of devices and microsystems, the packaging and assembly of these systems remains as the possible critical limiting factor to commercial success. These problems, compounded with the current economic struggles of the telecommunication community, result in a high cost to develop, prototype, and commercialize the next generation of optical microsystems.
Automation is the key to high-volume, low-cost, and high-consistency manufacturing, while ensuring performance,reliability, and quality. There is a growing interest in the......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——基于光电包装自动化文献翻译!