[关键词:嵌入式,远程监控,终端] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0172,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

关键词:图像监控;ARM; TD_SCDMA;SIM4100
1 引言
2 sim4100模块介绍
IM4100是一款双模TD-SCDMA模块。在GSM模式下,工作频率为三种频率:900 MHz、1800 MHz 和1900MHz,而在TD-SCDMA模式下,工作频率为 2010-2025MHz。此模块上行速率最高128Kbps ,下行速率最高384Kbps;支持RTC 带有流量控制的AT接口 ,具有增强型AT命令集。满足 3GPP(Class B)+24dBm 标准。具有80针 B2B板式连接接口,其针状图封装如图1所示。它的特点有:
1.尺寸:61.0mm X 34.0mm X 3.0mm;
2.平均闲置电流为9mA ,重量为15克;
3.支持电压范围:3.4V~ 4.5V;
4.正常工作温度:-20 ℃至 +60℃;
7.串行接口、天线接口等多种接口 ;
8.USB 2.0 键盘接口;
9.5*5 LCD接口;
10.具有USIM接口 ;
14.支持AMR 语音 和短信 ;
15.支持PPP协议栈 和TCP/IP协议栈。
Abstract. This article presents a remote image monitoring System based on TD_SCDMA technology. This system takes Samsung’s S3C2440 as the processor and the LCD touch screen as the interface. It runs the Linux operating system and captures image information through the front camera. After dealing with image compression by the video capture and compression card, the SIM4100 module carries on the real-time transmission via 3G network, so as to achieve the purpose of remote image monitoring.
Key words: Image monitoring; ARM; TD_SCDMA; SIM4100
With the promotion of 3G diversity business in the practical application, the original GPRS transmission technology is increasingly unable to meet the rapid development of today's Internet,
especially in the very different transmission speed. The original remote monitoring terminal which takes GPRS wireless network as the core will be replaced by the 3G terminal system. This article designs a system that takes TD_SCDMA network transmission technology as the core of the new remote monitoring system. TD_SCDMA remote transmission module SIM4100 supports GSM and 3G doual mode. Compared to the traditional monitoring system, the system reduces the bandwidth and increases data transmission speed. Each remote monitoring device is independent service, thus it greatly improves the flexible of monitoring. And the environment and scope of monitoring application has also been expanded, such as forest fire prevention, oil field exploitation, home security and office nvironment, etc.
Compared to the traditional monitoring system, the system has outstanding advantages at stability, real time, processing speed, function expanding. And it also represents the research and development direction of current image monitoring system.
SIM4100 is a dual mode of TD-SCDMA module, which works at 2010-2025MHz on the TD-SCDMA mode, and 900 MHz,......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——基于3G模块SIM4100的嵌入式远程监控终端设计文献翻译!