[关键词:基带信号] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0170,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

1 、信号与噪声
1.1 通信系统中差错性能的劣化
1.2 数字通信系统中的信噪比参数
学过模拟通信的读者都很熟悉一个指标,即信号平均功率和噪声平均功率的比值,简称为信噪比(或称为SNR)。在数字通信系统中,通常用信噪比的归一化形式作为性能指标。为每比特能量,等于信号能量与每比特持续时间的乘积; 是噪声功率谱密度,等于噪声功率与带宽之比;又因为每比特持续时间与比特速率互为倒数,可用代替,因此有下列表达式成立:......
In the case of baseband signaling, the received waveforms are already in a pulse-like form. One might ask , why then ,is a demodulator needed to recover the pulse waveforms? The answer is that the arriving baseband pulses are not in the form of ideal pulse shapes, each one occupying its own symbol interval. The filtering to suffer from inter-symbol interference (ISI) and thus appear as an amorphous “smeared” signal, not quite ready for sampling and detection .The goal of the demodulator (receiving filter) is to receiver a baseband pulse with the best possible signal-to-noise ration (SNR),free of any ISI. Equalization, covered in this chapter, is a technique used to help accomplish this goal. The equalization process is not required for every type of communication channel. However, since equalization embodies a sophisticated set of signal-processing techniques, making it possible to compensate for channel-induced interference, it is an important area for many systems.
1.1 Error-performance Degradation in Communication Systems
The purpose of the detector is based on as few errors as possible to restore the original signal stream from the received waveform distortion. There are two main reasons for the error performance degradation. The first reason is that 3.3 will introduce a sender channel and receiver filter, non-ideal system transfer function will cause the symbol "tail" arising from inter-symbol interference (ISI).
Another reason is that the electronic noise and other noise sources, such as atmospheric noise of the universe, the switching transient noise, inter-modulation noise and interference signals from other noise sources (these will be discussed in Chapter 5). Appropriate preventive measures can effectively reduce or even eliminate the number of receiver noise and interference. However, there is a noise can not be eliminated, is the electronic thermal motion of the conductor thermal noise, the noise is an additive noise, exist in the amplifier circuit. The use of quantum mechanics has been informed of the......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——基带信号解调与检测介绍文献翻译!