[关键词:锂电池,充电器] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0167,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

通信工程文献翻译——摘要: 提出了一种基于恒流2恒压(CC2CV) 充电模式的锂电池充电器. 在CC2CV 充电模式下,充电器先给电池提供大的充电电流;在电池电压尚未到达饱和之前,充电电流便开始减小;电池电压达到饱和并保持恒定之后,充电电流进一步减小. 这种充电方法,能够避免在电池电压的饱和值附近仍对电池进行大电流充电,从而导致过热现象.对这块充电器芯片核心电路的创新设计,保证了这种CC2CV 充电模式的实现. 本芯片采用CSMC 公司016μm 的CMOS 工艺流片. 测试结果验证了本文提出的CC2CV 充电模式的实现. 充电完成后,锂电池电压为4.11833V.。
恒流恒压(CC- CV)的充电模式[2,3]已经被作为改进的恒流充电方式来使用。在这种条件下,直到恒定电流的电池电压上升到预定值时才能被应用,换而言之,就是达到饱和电压,那么,当充电电流逐渐减小时,电池电压保持不变。当电流达到最低值时,充电周期完成。这种方法是恒定电流的充电方法更准确。恒流恒压充电方法的特征图如图1(a)所示。然而,这种方法也有缺点。当电池电压接近其饱和值时,对于电池内部可供化学反应的材料数量会降低。如果仍提供电池以较大的充电电流,快速充电可能......
Abstract : A design f or a Li2ion batte ry cha rge r IC t hat can ope rate in a const ant current2constant voltage (CC2 CV) cha rge mode is p rop osed. In t he CC2CV charge mode ,t he charge r IC p rovides a constant charging current at t he beginning , and t hen t he cha rging current begins t o decrease bef ore t he battery voltage reaches its final value . Afte r t he battery voltage reaches its final value and remains constant ,t he charging current is f urt her reduced. This app roach p revents cha rging t he battery wit h f ull current near its saturated voltage , which can cause heating. The novel design of t he core of t he cha rger IC realizes t he p rop osed CC2CV cha rge mode . The chip was implemented in a CSMC 016μm CMOS mixed signal p rocess. The expe rimental results verif y t he realization of t he p rop osed CC2 CV charge mode . The voltage of t he battery after charging is 411833V . Key words : Li2ion batte ry charge r ; constant current2constant voltage cha rge modes; CMOS analog circuit
1 Introduction Lit hium2ion batteries have become t he most widely used rechargeable batteries due to t heir many advantages. Research on charge management circuits is meaningf ul for practical use. The Li2ion battery charger IC developed in several p hases. In order to avoid the overheating of batteries during t he charging process ,t he earliest charger IC only supplied a constant but small charging current ,and was terminated manually. It required a long time to complete a charge cycle. Moreover , manual termi2 nation lowers t he reliability , because it may result in inefficient charge or overcharge. Cope et al . [ 1 ] proposed a charging app roach t hat uses a constant , large charging current to shorten the charge time. However ,a large charging current not only makes a battery susceptible to overcharge ,but may also o2 verdrive the available chemical reactions in t he bat2 tery ,resulting in heating and finally reducing the capacity and cycle life of t he battery. The charge met hod with constant current2con2 stant voltage (CC2CV) modes[2 ,3 ] has been employed.......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——恒流、恒压充电方式的锂电池充电器芯片文献翻译!