[关键词:硅太阳能电池] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0166,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

An understanding of the measured excess carrier decay in solar silicon is needed for a meaningful characterization of the material quality by this method. This paper studies the time decay of excess carriers
after laser pulse excitation in solar silicon. For this material, which exhibits a high density of different defects, a simplified approach to solve the diffusion equation of the excess carriers can be taken. We calculate the time decay of the excess carriers numerically by using an appropriate model of the bulk minority carrier lifetime. These calculations are subsequently compared to experimental data, which are obtained by measuring the photoconductance decay using reflected microwaves in surface passivated solar silicon wafers. A very good agreement between theoretical and experimental results gives the base for further evaluation of interstitial iron and minority carrier traps using the excess carrier decay.
1. Introduction
At present the volume of solar silicon production exceeds the production of silicon for the semiconductor industry, since the photovoltaic market is rapidly growing. The differences between both types of material arise from the differing requirements in the respective industry sector. An extremely pure silicon is needed to fabricate microelectronic chips, whereas silicon used to produce
solar cells has to be cheap, but still sufficiently pure for solar cells with high efficiency. The cost reduction is reached by decreasing the quality standards and by introducing simplified roduction
processes. This leads to silicon, which contains a large amount of different defects and impurities. This type of silicon is referred to as solar silicon. Due to the robustness of the solar cell process, the solar silicon quality can be lower than the quality of silicon used in microelectronics. To clarify the question, which quality of solar silicon can produce efficient solar cells, appropriate characterization methods are needed.
A widely used tool to characterize the quality of silicon is the microwave detected photoconductance decay (MWPCD) system.
This tool determines the time decay of the excess carriers after laser pulse excitation using the change in the reflectivity of the......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——硅太阳能电池中过剩载流子的时延衰减研究文献翻译!