[关键词:Sip协议,通话实例] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0129,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

Alice 通过Bob的SIP标志“呼叫” Bob,这个SIP标志是统一分配的资源(Uniform Resource Identifier URI)称作SIP URI。它很像一个email地址,典型的SIP URI包括一个用户名和一个主机名。在这个范例中,SIP URI是,biloxi.com是Bob的SIP服务提供商。Alice有一个SIP URI:。 Alice可以输入Bob的URI,也可以直接在地址本的一个超级链接上点击一下Bob的URI。SIP也提供保密URI,称作SIPS URI。例如:sips:。一个基于SIPS URI的通话保证这个通话是安全的,并且对呼叫者和被叫的所有的SIP消息是加密传输的(叫做TLS)。在TLS中,请求是通过加密方式传输给被叫方,但是这个加密机制是基于被叫方宿主服务器的实现的。
SIP是基于一个类似HTTP协议的请求应答的通讯模式。每一个通讯都包含对某个功能的请求,并且起码需要一个应答。在这个应答中,Alice的软电话发送一个含有Bbo的SIP URI抵制的INVITE通讯请求。INVITE是一个SIP请求的例子,表示请求方(Alice)希望服务......
This section introduces the basic operations of SIP using simple examples.
The first example shows the basic functions of SIP: location of an end point, signal of a desire to communicate, negotiation of session parameters to establish the session, and teardown of the session once established.
Figure 1 shows a typical example of a SIP message exchange between two users, Alice and Bob. (Each message is labeled with the letter "F" and a number for reference by the text.) In this example, Alice uses a SIP application on her PC (referred to as a softphone) to call
Bob on his SIP phone over the Internet. Also shown are two SIP proxy servers that act on behalf of Alice and Bob to facilitate the session establishment. This typical arrangement is often referred to as the "SIP trapezoid" as shown by the geometric shape of the dotted lines in Figure 1.
Alice "calls" Bob using his SIP identity, a type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) called a SIP URI. SIP URIs are defined in Section 19.1.It has a similar form to an email address, typically containing a username and a host name. In this case, it is, where is the domain of Bob's SIP service provider. Alice has a SIP URI of Alice might have typed in Bob's URI or perhaps clicked on a hyperlink or an entry in an address book. SIP also provides a secure URI, called a SIPS URI. An example would be A call made to a SIPS URI guarantees that secure, encrypted transport (namely TLS) is used to carry all SIP messages from the caller to the domain of the callee. From there, the request is sent securely to the callee, but with security ......
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