[关键词:东部区域,耕地利用] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0109,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |
中国拥有世界上不到10% 的可用土地,而它却要抚养世界上20%还要多的人口,这对中国来说无疑是一个巨大的挑战。作为世界上最重要的粮食生产国之一,中国只有13-14%的陆地用于耕种,这和印度的55%和美国的20%形成鲜明的对比(美国信息局驻中国理事会,1995)。而且,在中国耕地资金的投入仅仅是印度的一半、美国的十九分之一,是世界平均水平的一半。
由于拥有众多的人口而且耕地的人均占有率非常低,所以中国的农业系统拥有很大的压力,尤其是粮食生产。当人口以每年0.15亿的增长率增长的同时,耕地正加速转化为与饮食变化相关的果园或鱼塘,或者是用于工业和居住的建设区域。据中国国家土地管理局(SLA)报道,在1988年至1995年间,总共有173公顷的耕地流失掉了。如果从数量的角度来研究,这比日本总耕地的三分之一还要多。假设粮食的平均生产量为4.5吨/公顷,农村人口的粮食消费量为0.25 吨/公顷,这些土地的流失等于丢失了780万吨的粮食生产力,或者是每年抚养农村0.3亿人口的能力。
中国的耕地流失和粮食保障问题引起了国际上的重大关注,土地供应和需求之间的分歧已经引起了马尔萨斯危机的恐惧感。并且对将来是否能养的起自己产生了质疑,例如,在经济现代化的今天,来自Worldwatch研究所的最近一份报告预测,在即将到来的20年中,中国将流失大量的耕地,这将会导致粮食安全危机,并且会迫使中国向国际粮食市场进口粮食(Brown,1995)。中国政府也意识到了粮食安全保障的重要性。“饥饿滋生不满”是一个在官方和公众呼吁中常用的成语 (开发计划署, 1996年)。为实现社会秩序和政治稳定,政府将食品安全列为其首要任务。国家政策已经颁布,以保护耕地,确保粮食能够自给自足。
本论文涉及了一些有关土地使用的变化和粮食安全的关键问题。它是用东部地区作为一个研究案例,在社会经济和环境框架下,探索中国在80年代和90年代的耕地流失问题的驱动力。用政治生态学的概念和分析框架,能够重新评估制度转移的重要性--从中央计划经济向自由市场,从集体到个人的行动理解为社会关系的角色,使土地使用者互动和土地用途的改变。通过强调在过程中引入的重要变数以及因果关系,定量模型可以帮助简化复杂的和多方面的土地利用和土地覆盖变化过程。该论文还可以用一个明确的模型来理清中国东部土地利用/ 覆盖变化中复杂的物理和社会-经济驱动力,以及定量预测未来土地利用变化与耕地流失。
It will be a challenge for China to feed more than 20% of the world’s total population with less than 10% of the world’s total arable land. As one of the most important grain producers in the world, China has only 13-14% of its landmass under cultivation, in contrast with 55% in India and 20% in the USA (Information Office of State Council in China, 1995). Moreover, cultivated land per capita in China is only half that of India, one-ninth that of USA, and about half that of the world average.
With its large population and low ratio of cultivated land per person, there is growing pressure on China’s agricultural system, particularly for grain production. While population is growing at a rapid rate of about 15 million per year, cultivated land is increasingly being converted to orchards or fishponds in response to changes in diet preferences, and to built-up areas for industrial and residential uses. The State Land Administration (SLA) of China reported that 1.73 million ha of cultivated land were lost between 1988 and 1995. To put this magnitude in perspective, it is more than a third of Japan’s total cultivated land area. Assume the average grain yield to be 4.5 tons/ha, and the grain consumption for each rural person to be 0.25 ton/year (China Statistic Yearbook, 1997), the loss of land area was equivalent to a loss of grain production capacity of 7.8 million tons, or enough to feed a rural population of more than 30 million for one year.
The problem of cultivated land loss and food security in China has drawn considerable international attention. Growing disparities between land supply and demand has brought the specter of a Malthusian crisis, and aroused the debatable question of whether China can feed itself in the future. For example, a recent report from the Worldwatch Institute has predicted that, with economic modernization, China would lose a significant proportion of its cultivated land in the coming two decades, which would result in a major food security crisis and force China onto the international food market to import food (Brown, 1995). The Chinese government has also realized the importance of food security. “Hunger breeds discontent” is a frequently used idiom within official and public discourse (UNDP, 1996). The Government regards food security as one of its top priorities for......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——以中国东部区域为一个事例对耕地利用变化进行分析文献翻译!