[关键词:实时车辆导航系统] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0108,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

在PC端,人们通过Java程序从串口中读取数据,并存储到数据库(SQL SERVER)中。前端代码使用J2EE编写。程序通过GSM网络获取经度、纬度,并把经纬度写到数据库中。因此,我们可以通过Google Map来看到汽车的行驶方向。
关键词:GPRS, ARM,GS,J2E,Internet.
1 引言
GPS/GSM车辆跟踪系统,不仅仅是GPS实时跟踪,也是用户基于短信的GSM警报。GSM、GPRS被应用到手机通信中。GPS跟踪解决方案,包括跟踪软件和地图。用户可以在PC中建立一个跟踪站,而不需要网络服务器及相关软件。这种集所有功能于一体的系统,包含了GPS/GSM跟踪单元和Google Map。使用PC或者笔记本来跟踪、控制车辆。GPRS中,人们只需要根据实际使用的流量付费,而不需要担心连接时长。这已经被应用在好几个移动控制、授权系统中。如果数据传输能被进一步优化,GPRS将会是一个成本上有优势的解决方案。一旦GPRS连接被建立,就可以通过TCP/IP协议和用户数据报文协议,在中心服务器给客户端通过指令发送给客户端返回查询的数据。这需要大的开销。
图一展示了系统流程图。发射器部分包含 ARMLPC2148, GPS模块,GSM发射器,温度感应器,中继器,键盘,LCD。微控制器根据代码提取出经纬度。
通过键盘,在LCD上使用键盘输入GSM 2的手机号码。显示中继器每隔20秒通过GSM 1号手机发送消息到GSM2号手机。计算机系统中拥有RS232的线缆的接口独立运行。GPS模块接收跟踪子女主席并且根据NMEA协议编码。NMEA协议包含几个命令。
3 实施方法
3.1 通信机制
3.1.1 GSM
GPRS是一种划算的通信方式。用户跟车辆间的通信建立在SMS(短信息服务——上。GSM modem跟主板相连。车辆导航系统(VNS)跟GSM Modem间的通信由AT指令集控制。
3.1.2 GPRS
一旦建立GPRS连接,数据就可以通过SQL Server发送到客户端。在这个系统中,一个基于GSM网络用于实施控制和监视的可信双向点对点(PPP)链接就被建立了。GPS持续接收车辆位置信息并通过把位置信息传输到SMS车辆位置单元。这些信息通过移动运营商发送到GSM模块。
A low cost GPRS based vehicle navigation system is developed using ARM processor for real time application. Themain core of the system is an embedded hardware along with Java/J2EE. The embedded device communicates withGSM network which is accessible from anywhere .This system eliminates large maintenance.
In PC, Java programming is used for getting the data from serial port and given to the database (SQL SERVER).In the front end, programming code is written in J2EE.The latitudes and longitudes are received through GSM network and stored in the data base .With the help of these values the vehicle navigation can be seen on Google map.
Keywords: GPRS, ARM, GS, J2E, Internet.
1. Introduction
An automotive navigation system [R Prasad (2005)] is a satellite navigation system designed for use inautomobiles. It typically uses a GPS navigation device to acquire position data to locate the user on a road in the unit's map database. Using the road database, the unit can give directions to other locations along roads also in its database.
The GPS / GSM vehicle tracking system[E Bekiroglu (2005)],[Bj E Marca (2000)], it is an idea design not only for GPS real time tracking, but also a complete GSM alarm controllable by user's mobile phone message. GSM and GPRS are developed for cellular mobile communication The GPS tracking solution, with the tracking software and maps. Users can set up a complete tracking station in a PC. There is no need for the costly web server and software. The all-in-one system includes the GPS / GSM tracking main unit in Google earth map. Track and control the vehicles using just a PC or Laptop. A GPRS connection with unlimited duration of connectivity is charged only for the data package transfers. This is adopted in several mobile remote control/access systems. GPRS becomes a cost effective solution only if the data transfers can be optimized. Once a GPRS connection has been established, queried data can be relayed to the client via a central server commands sent, using TCP/IP protocol and User Datagram protocol. It requires large maintenance.
In this work embedded hardware developed using the GPS, GSM, ARM processor and writing the code in J2EE to track the vehicle position. It eliminates the large maintenance.
2. System Overview
The block diagram of the system is shown in Fig.1.The transmitter section consists of a ARMLPC2148, GPS module, GSM transmitter, temperature sensor, relay, keypad, LCD.The microcontroller ......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——一种新型低成本实时车辆导航系统设计文献翻译!