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[关键词:曲率,地形晕渲图]  [热度 ]









Many types of maps can be created by neighborhood operations on a continuous surface such as provided by a digital elevation model. These most commonly include?rst derivatives slope or aspect, and second derivatives planimetric or pro?le curvature. Such variables are often used in geomorphic analyses of terrain. First derivatives also provide subtle enhancements to hill-shaded maps. For example, some maps combine oblique and vertical illumination, with the latter re?ecting variations in slope. This study illustrates how second derivative maps, in conjunction with hill-shading, can cartographically enhance topographic detail. A simple conic model indicates that image-tone edges where slope or aspect varies by less than 0.5° are visible on curvature maps. Hill-shaded images combined with curvature enhance the continuity of naturally occurring tonal edges, especially in strongly illuminated areas. Variations in planimetric and pro?le curvature seem to be especially effective at highlighting convergent and divergent drainages and variations in erosion rate between or within sedimentary units, respectively. Shading curvature with consideration given to illumination models can add detail to hill-shaded terrain maps in amanner similar to cognitive models employed by map viewers.

Keywords: Planimetric curvature  Profile curvature  Illumination  Shaded relief Cartography  Geographic visualization

1. Introduction

Geomorphologists and cartographers both employ variables derived from elevation data to quantify the shape or structure of topographic surfaces (Robinson et al., 1995; Wilson and Gallant, 2000; Slocum et al., 2004; Li et al., 2004). This study focuses on the cartographic representation of variables computed from local (neigh-borhood) operations directly from the topographic data, the“primary attributes”discussed inWilson and Gallant (2000). Also addressed are operations that treat the terrain as a continuous functionf(x,y,z) and compute?rst and second order derivatives.

First order derivatives include slope gradient......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——用曲率显示地形晕渲图文献翻译!