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[关键词:故障树,贝叶斯网络]  [热度 ]





1 引言







China Train Control System (CTCS-3) is a safety critical computer system that features large-scale, complex structure, and redundant configuration. CTCS-3 and as well as the equipment and technologies related to it can ensure the safety and reliability running of high- speed trains, and so the assessment on its reliability becomes very important. Generally, the two elements such as common cause factor (CCF) and failure mode polymorphism can not be ignored when assessing the reliability on a large complicated system. There are some limitations existing when applying the traditional fault tree analysis (FTA) is used to deal with the two factors mentioned above, and considering that Bayesian network (BN) possesses the abilities of bidirectional reasoning and the uncertain knowledge solving, and therefore BN is introduced to change the flaws. The method firstly establishes the FTA model of system from top to bottom, and then converts the FTA model into BN model from the lower to the upper, hierarchically. Eventually, the reliability indices are calculated using the BN with regard to the CCF and multi-state factors. Through integrating and evaluating sub-models using the approach with FTA combined with BN in the CTCS-3 system, some interesting results are acquired. The relative results show that the proposed approach is quite effective, and also provides a theoretical basis to improve the system reliability.

Key Words: CTCS-3, Fault tree, Bayesian networks, Reliability evaluation

1 Introduction

The reliability of high-speed train operation directly relates to the security of passenger lives and properties. There shall be very serious consequences when an accident occurs. Train control system is the core equipment and technologies to guarantee the safety, reliability and efficient operation of the high-speed train, and so its reliability and security assessment possesses very importance significance. China Train Control System (CTCS-3) is a safety- critical computer system in high speed train signaling system where a large number of complex electronic associated components and computer systems are applied. CTCS-3 possesses large complicated structure and redundancy configuration for the key equipment. Therefore, the requirements for reliability and security assessment on CTCS-3 is becoming higher and higher. 

In CTCS-3, the correlation is the common feature of its failures. Common cause failure (CCF) is a kind of dependent failure, and also is an important factor causing system internal failure, dependently. It is apt to generate greater error if common cause failure is ignored. Presently, the β factor model is often applied in CCF analysis. However it just is used in the 2-unit redundant system. In traditional reliability analysis, it is always assumed that the components or systems have only two states, such as work or failure, while it overlooks the system performance affected by dependent components and other failure states. There exists great difference between the established reliability analysis model and real situation [5]. Thus, Multi-state System (MSS) reliability analysis has received extensive attention.......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——采用故障树和贝叶斯网络CTCS-3列车控制系统可靠性评估文献翻译!