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[关键词:频谱资源,带宽光纤网络]  [热度 ]


通信工程文献翻译——摘要 - 我们研究在灵活带宽光网络中的一组连接请求的最小化频谱资源消耗的问题,在每个连接的故障概率必须低于指定阈值的约束下。为了优化所消耗的总频率时隙,提出和评估了三种方案:重新定标的故障概率感知算法(RFPA),具有重新定标故障概率的业务认知算法(RFPTC)和整数线性规划(ILP)模型。我们还引入了两种传统的Dijkstra算法,通过第一次拟合和流量认知(FF_DB and TC_DB)进行负载平衡和频谱分配,以与所提出的三种方案进行比较。对于小型网络中的静态流量,RFPA和RFPTC算法消耗的总频率时隙接近最佳ILP解决方案的Kincreases,以及平均跳数(AH)。此外,RFPA和RFPTC算法的平均重新定标故障概率(RFP)比ILP解决方案的平均重新定标故障概率(RFP)好得多。此外,类似地,启发式算法FF_DB,TC_DB,RFPA和RFPTC的结果在大网络具有与小网络相同的特性。对于大型网络中的动态业务,RFPTC算法降低了阻塞概率,并且与其他方案相比更好地利用了频谱资源,这也反映了通过业务认知方法大大减少了不连续频谱分段。然而,RFPTC和RFPA都产生高得多的平均RFP,但是与TC_DB和FF_DB相比执行较少的跳数。


Abstract—We investigate the problem of minimizing spectrum resource consumption for a set of connection requests in a flexible bandwidth optical network under the constraint that the failure probability of each connection must be below a specified threshold. To optimize the total frequency slots consumed, three schemes are proposed and evaluated: the rescaled failure-probability-aware algorithm (RFPA), the traffic cognition algorithm with rescaled failure probability (RFPTC), and an integer linear programming (ILP) model. We also introduce two traditional Dijkstra’s algorithms with load balancing and spectrum assignment by first fit and traffic cognition (FF_DB and TC_DB) to compare with the proposed three schemes. For static traffic in a small network, the total frequency slots consumed by the RFPA and RFPTC algorithms will approach that of the optimal ILP solution as K increases, as well as the average hops (AH). Furthermore, the average rescaled failure probabilities (RFPs) of the RFPA and RFPTC algorithms are much.......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——最小化频谱资源消耗与新失效概率约束灵活的带宽光纤网络文献翻译!

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