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[关键词:人工神经网络,遗传基因算法]  [热度 ]










Louis and Sehier 提出使用算法训练的分等级神经网络。他们也给出与其他算法如串级相结合的分析、二进制决定数及KNN。Lu et al提出新颖的基于多层感知的使用几十频率带宽调......


Automatic recognition of digital modulation signals has seen increasing demand nowadays. The use of arti"cial neural networks for this purpose has been popular since the late 1990s. Here, we include a variety of modulation types for recognition,e.g. QAM16, V29, V32, QAM64 through the addition of a newly proposed statistical feature set. Two training algorithms for multi-layer perceptron (MLP) recogniser, namely Backpropagation with Momentum and Adaptive Learning Rate is investigated, while resilient backpropagation (RPROP) is proposed for this problem, are employed in this work. In particular,the RPROP algorithm is applied for the "rst time in this area. In conjunction with these algorithms, we use a separate data set as validation set during training cycle to improve generalisation. Genetic algorithm (GA) based feature selection is used to select the best feature subset from the combined statistical and spectral feature set. RPROP MLP recogniser achieves about 99% recognition performance on most SNR values with only six features selected using GA.

Keywords: Modulation recognition; Arti"cial neural networks; Genetic algorithm; Feature subset selection

1. Introduction

Automatic modulation recognition (AMR) has its roots in military communication intelligence applications such as counter channel jamming, spectrum surveillance, threat evaluation, interference identi"-cation, etc. Whilst most methods proposed initially were designed for analogue modulations, the recent contributions in the subject focus more on digital communication [6,17,23,24]. Primarily, this is due to the increasing usage of digital modulations in many novel applications, such as mobile telephony, personal dial-up network, indoor wireless network, etc.

With the rising developments in software-de"ned radio (SDR) systems, automatic digital modulation recognition (ADMR) has gained more attention than ever. Such units can act as front-end to SDR systems before demodulation takes place, thus a single SDR system can robustly handle multiple modulations.

In the early days, modulation recognition relied heavily on human operator’s interpretation of measured parameters to classify signals. Signal properties such as IF waveform,signal spectrum,......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——利用人工神经网络和遗传基因算法的调制识别文献翻译!