[关键词:数字通信系统] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0162,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

图1 脉冲编码再生
For modern people, if you do not know “Digital Communication” or “Digital Signal”, it is seem to be outdated, even would be laughed as “a ignorant men” . well then ,what is the “Digital Communication” and what is the “Digital Signal” ? This text is to do an generalize in the way of brief and plain.
1、Why Digital?
Why are communication system,military and commercial alike,“going digital”?The primary advantage is the ease with which digital signals,compared with analog signals,are regenerated. Figure 1 illustrates an ideal binary digital pulse propagating along a transmission line. The shape of the waveform is affected by two basic mechanisms: (1) as all transmission lines and circuits have some nonideal frequence transfer function,there is a distorting effect on the ideal and pulse; and (2) unwanted electrical noise or other interference further distorts the pulse waveform. Both of these mechanisms cause the pulse shape to degrade as a function of line lenge,as shown in Figure 1. During the time that the transmitted pulse can still be reliably identified before it is degraded to an ambiguous state,the pulse is amplified by a digital amplifier that recovers its original ideal shape. The pulse is thus “rebor” or regenerated. Circuits that perform this function at regular intervals along a transmission system are called regenerative repeaters.
Distance 1 Distance 2 Dance 3 stance 4 Distance 5
Original Some signal Degraded Signal is badly Amplification
dstortiuon dstortiuon dstortiuon degraded regenerate pulse
Propagation distance
Figure 1 Pulse degradation and regeneration
Digital circuit are less subject to distortion and interfernce than analog circuit . Becanse binary circuits opoerate in one of two states fully on fully of —to be meaningful,a disturbance must be large enough to change the circuit ooperating point from one state to the other. Such two-state operation facilitates signal regeneration and thus prevents noise and other disturbances from accumulating in transmission. Analog signals,however,are not two-state signals; they can take an infinite variety of shapes. With analog circuits,even a small disturbance can render the reproduced waveform unacceptably distorted. Once the analog signal is distorted,the distortion cannot be removed by amplification. Because accumulated noise is irrevocably bound to analog......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——关于数字通信系统的介绍文献翻译!