[关键词:控制网关] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0148,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

为了解决目前网络结构不能适应IP网络转型所面临的问题,可以采用图1所示的网络结构,整合、优化现有网络资源,统一核心层和传送层,拓展接入层的网络融合以及业务融合能力,形成扁平化的网络架构,使独立分离、层级繁多的复杂网络向功能融合、架构扁平、用户和业务可控的简单网络转变,同时,在网络中部署业务控制节点,在网络边缘对各类业务进行合法性检验、业务感知和区分服务,使之具备强大的综合业务支撑和运营管理能力。 ......
A Perfect IP Network Still has a Long Way to Go
IP networks possess many advantages making them an extremely attractive network option. Firstly, they provide a rich array of customized services and applications allowing users to enjoy media communications, digital entertainment and the availability of a wealth of information. Secondly, IP networks transmission costs are considerably lower than those of circuit switching-based networks. Thirdly, the unprecedented flexibility of IP networks allows carriers to develop and deploy new services and assist carriers' transformation to integrated information service providers.
Telecom services have increasingly adopted IP features, leading carriers to launch network upgrade projects aiming to replace traditional networks with IP networks. Carriers expect that doing so can support service transformation, but current Internet-based networks cannot in fact offer sufficient security, reliability, Q0S and operability for telecom services. In short, they are inadequate in terms of supporting complete telecom transformation.
It is essential that future-oriented multi-service IP bearer networks offer operability, security and reliability that equal traditional networks. This covers a range of tasks and capabilities: providing a full range of real and non-real-time services; ensuring access flexibility for IP-based service terminals; facilitating service identification and differentiated billing according to business agreements; the ability to allocate, reclaim and guarantee network-wide resources in line with telecom service requirements, and ensuring telecom services' security and reliability.
Such a network should balance openness and security. Public access at service terminals cannot guarantee 100% proper usage, and thus the network must be able to authenticate the identity of each terminal and mitigate any potential illegal use. This involves controlling a terminal's authority and function protocols in terms of how it relates to other terminals and the network. Illegal service use and network attacks must be prevented by ensuring that each terminal receives services as per its defined service scope.
At present, the effective management and operational capabilities necessary for carrier-class telecom services cannot be guaranteed in IP networks, and the introduction of carrier-class control systems is essential. In the current 'best effort' IP model, services are separated from the bearer layer, meaning the bearer network can neither sense services nor request service-specific resource allocation. Moreover, the bearer network cannot provide Q0S guarantees, or differentiated services and billing modes. Public user terminals are open to misuse, and resource allocation tends to devolve into competition ......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——多业务控制网关,成就IP网络简约之美文献翻译!