[关键词:数字高程模型,自动提取,地形骨架线] [热度 ]提示:此作品编号wxfy0082,word完整版包含【英文文献,中文翻译】 |

Terrain skeleton lines, among the most significant elements of topographical maps, are the valley lines that connect the deepest points of valleys, and the ridge lines that connect the highest points of ridges. In order to obtain correct and enough information about land forms from a topographical map, skeleton lines have to be considered and portrayed together with contours. Their extraction has a great importance in the different areas. They can be gathered from contours, digital elevation models (DEMs) or digital images automatically besides land surveying or photogrammetric stereomodels. In this study, a program called ‘RidgeValleyAxisPicker’ written for extracting ridge and valley lines from DEMs is used. It is based on the algorithm of Profile Recognition and Polygon Breaking (PPA) developed by Chang, et al. (1998). ‘RidgeValleyAxisPicker’ differs with PPA from two aspects: (1) profiles are not used in target recognition step and thus all height points are considered as targets, (2) branch reduction process is performed iteratively. All of the DEM points in 10 meter grid distance that are used in the case study are automatically collected from a stereomodel for a map at the scale 1: 5000. At the end of the study, the results are compared with the original topographic maps at the same scale from several aspects. In conclusion, although the method described in this paper for automatic extraction of terrain skeleton lines from DEMs can be working with huge amount of data quite rapidly, there are some cartographic problems on the extracted lines.
Terrain skeleton lines, among the most significant elements of topographical maps, are the valley lines that connect the deepest points of valleys, and the ridge lines that connect the highest points of ridges. Terrain skeleton lines, i.e. valley and ridge lines are very important and inseparable part of topographical maps. In order to obtain correct and enough information about land forms from a topographical map, skeleton lines have to be considered and portrayed together with contours. Some of the land form structures (e.g. hills, pikes, ridges, valleys etc.) become more readable by adding terrain skeleton lines in a topographical map which can only be represented with contours.
Besides skeleton lines are obtained from land surveying or photogrammetric methods, they can be extracted from elevation data automatically. While producing skeleton lines for a topographical map in any of the known ways (geodetic surveys, photogrammetric surveys and automatic extraction cartographically) care must always be taken, that skeleton lines must reflect the characteristics of terrain and the contour lines bend precisely on them (Yoeli, 1984).
Extraction of terrain skeleton lines has a great importance in the different areas where topographical maps are used such......
本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——从数字高程模型自动提取地形骨架线文献翻译!