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[关键词:动车组,模拟器,人机交互]  [热度 ]





1 引言


2 动车组运行模拟模型



2.1 铁路运行许可






2.2 动车组运行模拟模型



Owing to the technology development in railway industry, driverless automated operation systems have been incorporated in railway operation. Therefore new control concepts are needed to prove the safety of railway operation. In this paper, we suggested a development strategy of a multi-train operation simulator to support R&D works for future railway system. For this purpose, we designed computer-based simulation models of train, station, rail and railway operation system as an agent, respectively, based on their functions. the simulation results were displayed on wide screen constructed with three 42 plasma display panels and a head mounted- display device with motion tracking system, in real time. When a simulation began, trains were dispatched and driven on given railway one by one following the train performance analysis results. The interactive operation in virtual environment, which is the special feature incorporated in this study, shows distinguished advantages because it makes easier understand of physical phenomenon by giving realistic simulation environment.

Key words: Railway operation, Multi-train, CTC, ATP

1 Introduction

Railway operation is restricted by the infrastructure of railway system such as train, railway, station and power supply facilities et al. Owing to the new technology development in railway industry, the performance of train system has been continuously increased, but the maintenance and operation costs are also increased. Therefore it is necessary to find methods for well-balanced usage of infrastructures to increase operation flexibility of railway system. Railway operation based on the centralized traffic control (CTC) system has been adopted to increase productivity in decades and its territory is continuously expanded. Recently, driverless automated operation concepts have been adopted in the light railway system. Many researchers have proposed advanced train control concepts and they were verified in laboratory before applied to practical applications, but there are still chances of defects in algorithms. Therefore it is necessary to develop an emulated environment to simulate the physical railway operation system realistically. Virtual reality technology in railway industry has been shown many advantages like other industries owing to the realistic visualization capability constructed. Therefore we expect to implement the technology on the development of a train operation environment at relatively low cost.

2 Multi-train operation simulation model

It shows the typical train running following by the speed limits on railway. The speed limits on railway are calculated from the gradient or radius of curve on railway. You can easily find the details about single train running in references.

Generally, the CTC schedules individual train movements and a train is only moved when its move is authorized by a movement order from the CTC. Train management involves moving trains by designated authorization issued by dispatchers. An automatic train control system may be comprised of an automatic train protection (ATP) and an automatic train operation (ATO) system. The ATP provides protection for passengers, personnel and equipment from accidents based on the physical location of all trains running in same track. Therefore multi-train operation follows the ATO controls as basic operations within the safe operation limits imposed by the ATP.

2.1 Agents for railway operation

Train objects are constructed from the CTC agent every headway and the CTC agent passes the control of the train object to the ATP agent. In this paper, an ‘agent’ is defined as an autonomous active object and we call a passive object as the ‘object’. 

Train agent: In train agent, powering, coasting or braking......



本文献翻译作品由 毕业论文设计参考 [http://www.qflunwen.com] 征集整理——动车组操作模拟器与人机交互式接口的发展文献翻译!